What not to do in a heat wave

Here in the UK we have unusually high temperatures this week. And I’ve discovered fibro and heat aren’t friends so I’m doing my best to keep cool and not over do it. I’ve pulled open the nets to help with the air flow, I’m strategically drawing and opening curtains to prevent the rays warming the rooms, I’m staying indoors, wearing as little as possible and I’m avoiding the leather sofa as I keep getting myself stuck to it. I was pottering upstairs getting some little jobs done and figured the neighbours couldn’t see up here so whipped off my skirt. Only … Continue reading “What not to do in a heat wave”

The Mock Elections

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a bit of a Facebook addict. I bloody love it and can usually waste hours of my life trawling through the crap on there. But the closer we have got to the elections and the recent terror attacks through Europe and the Middle East, the more I see the worst in the people on there. To me politics and religion are alike, they shouldn’t  be discussed in depth on social media. Everyone has had a different life journey and because of that their priorities and their core values can vary. I dont think its … Continue reading “The Mock Elections”

Friday night rituals

I think everyone has their Friday night rituals For some famed mums its “Fuck it all Friday” The kids eat junk food whilst mummy enjoys that well deserved glass of anything that contains enough alcohol to make the thought of the forth coming 2 days of enduring their husband and precious poppets under the same roof seem almost tolerable. For those under 25 or without kids its a night to get dolled up, hit the town and get twatted, rolling in at god knows what hour and probably waking up to someone you have absolutely no idea at who they … Continue reading “Friday night rituals”