She moves n the dark

She moved around mostly in the dark. That was her preference. Not that she couldn’t go in the daylight. She just found it an intrusion. She’d always been the same, even as a child. Whilst others were afraid of the dark, she found strength in it. The ability to move around stealthily, without being noticed. Not that anyone at home noticed her anyway. So that is why she stays in the shadows. She stays in that dark.

When death comes

Your emotions will come like waves.  Let them come, don’t fight them.  You can miss someone and not like everything about them.  Don’t feel guilty if the bad times try to fight their way to the front of your mind.  Recognise that they were part of the package.  Everyone grieves differently, don’t judge.  Death can bring out the worst in people so put your boundaries in place and stick to them.  Say their name when you’re with people that knew them.  Be kind to yourself because it’s a lot to deal with when someone dies