
Last week I went to my CBT for my first ‘proper’ session. As Id already figured out this confirmed I feel I am out of control in basically every element of my life down to my stupid illness. I cant control my energy levels, I cant control my ability to work at the moment as I havent got my head around pacing and i dont know where my future will take me whereas previously I have had each scenario mapped out in my head for every eventuality The only bit I feel like I can actually take control of at … Continue reading “Vegetarianism”

The note pads

Today I had blood tests to see if I’m just flairing, or if the inflammation on my hips has actually got worse. When I got home my head had plans to do so many things. Reality was my body managed to get 3 tiny tasks,I had a soak in the tub, then collapsed on the sofa, watched shitty daytime tv and was feeling pretty sorry for myself. As I hobbled past my old desk I saw a pile of brand new multi colored post it notes on my desk and it made me smile. And it got me thinking – … Continue reading “The note pads”

Why blogging and why Prittstick and Painkillers?

Why I chose to start this blog. I have been a crazy mad energetic woman most of my life. When I was 6 month pregnant with my first child I wielded a sledge hammer to re-landscape the garden. 3 months after my second child was born I set up my first mini enterprise, and for last 11 years running a couple of businesses. My main business for the last 9 years has been running a florist full time, and my spare time included me embarking on ridiculously ambitious projects such as refitting the shop in 48hrs whilst my children slept, … Continue reading “Why blogging and why Prittstick and Painkillers?”

The trouble with drugs

With my diagnosis of  I have inherited a whole heap of drugs I now need to take just to survive the day. I take vitamin D for energy levels and pain, omeprazole to stop my stomach lining from becoming damaged, I take anti inflammatory for the swelling in my hips, anti depressants – well why the heck not?, sleeping tablets and a whole heap of pain relief, all these just to survive each day. Now little did I realise just what effect these were having on my in other ways. The last few weeks I have been experiencing some pretty … Continue reading “The trouble with drugs”